Monday, May 5, 2008


i want to enjoy everything i do. sometimes certain things may not be something i LOVE to do (ie. gardening), but making the best out of it and just enjoy it makes life all the more wonderful and meaningful.
i didn't really feel like gardening yesterday at all coz i didn't feel so well...and gardening was such a hassle. But I thought the weather is beautiful and get to spend some daughter/mother time together, why not? When we were done, i felt great :) i enjoyed the process.
im enjoying my life one day at a time. i still have goals and dreams, but i want to enjoy the process of getting there as well. for a season, i felt like i was really lost in who i am, but i think i am finding myself again. a person who's happy, positive, confident and love life.

Could you love life unconditionally? Yah i can love life unconditionally.

on a side note, when pastor mentioned about Africa yesterday, my heart leaped forward. I don't know what it is that makes me feel this way, but something inside me gets stirred up. i pray that God can show me what is on His mind. Is there a reason why i feel attached to this place?

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