Saturday, October 27, 2007

my offering

amy's designs for the water bottled were presented tonight to all the leaders. Did i feel uncomfortable? no, not really because i've decided earlier that i will help her. ff asked me if the designs were good and asked if we should use it for the waterbottle. i told her we can and gave amy a few pointers. ff has asked amy to send the designs to me and let me work on it from now on...but i didnt feel right about it. it's amy's designs, so she should be the one to finish it, not someone else...because she is the designer.

when i prayed about this situation since friday morning, i felt God telling me that He didnt raise me up so that i can take a "position", but to be an encourager and help others who is willing to use this skill to bless ppl and bless the Lord. im gonna do that; i will encourage. i think this is for the best.

as pastor told me before, i need to offer my talent back to Him...and this is a great opportunity to exercise that.

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